What Happens

November 27, 2016 No comments exist

What happens when we let go ~ when we truly let it all just go ~ the flow of Greatness taking away everything we ever thought we needed to hold on to?
There is nothing. Absolutely nothing that we need. Not even the thought of love.
We are complete in ourselves as a greater consciousness that holds no beginning or end, let alone all that may lie in between those delusive parameters.
We need nothing. No one. We are pure essence that creates and preserves and dissolves all that it chooses and then moves on in its peaceful bliss.
Such power we can only imagine when we are perceiving ourselves through our little minds, caught in the reality we call existence. But the greater reality beckons, ceaselessly, like a vast ocean calling us back to its calm or stormy seas. We will return to it. Eventually, that enlightened state will become us. It is not fate, there is no doubt of its evolution or choice between who will be the chosen ones. It is an inevitability for all, as that is our purpose and origin. We are on different spheres and planes of our own roads, individually, as we go along, wondering how to belong in the places we are in. Yes, some are better and some are worse. Some wiser, smarter, brighter, darker, denser, attached, because we are each in our own inner evolution, working through the constant conflict of nature outside of us, and truth inside of us. The good and bad that forms the world. The angels and the devils. God, who pulls us back to the divine one consciousness and Satan who tempts and draws us away from the same, the repulsive force that takes us to play in the world. Our conflict is real. It must be overcome. It will be overcome by what we do ~ actions, consequences. Karma lives. It is created, played, and burned for each and every action, there is an equal cause and effect. We are living daily the result of what we have created by our own choices.
Our future is bound by our actions of today. But through wisdom, as we evolve and discern and use our intelligence towards good sense, we can overcome the wayward draw of the five appeals of our senses, layered upon layer and layer, in physicality, mentality, emotionality, and let go to know the truth of who we are.
This road is desirable. The only thing worth desiring. This road ahead is one I hope to lay my bed in, a soft repose of letting go. I don’t care to take anything with me, though I have a multitude of good memories. The sorrow I leave behind for some long lost time. Get ye behind me, Satan! I care not for your temptation. Yes, this is a beautiful world. How could it not be when I see who created you and me? But I am not fantasized by its blue skies. They turn to grey when I look away, as they should. To teach me to to want for only bigger things, I must turn away from lesser mind and find with conviction the land beyond, in my higher consciousness. Where there is no end in sight.

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