A bell rings and I hear it pouring inside my head
The rain comes and I hear the music pound instead
I am the captor and the captive of my emotions
The nature of the one who brings rain without tears.
Below me is a rainbow buried deep beneath the earth
It stops at nothing to dig itself far into the world’s berth
To it there are no boundaries, no wishes gone ungranted
For me I stand in awe, struck by its advances.
The gold it holds within its bow is for all who seek
I am but that seeker attempting to capture what has meaning deep
Is it prosperity, gold and riches? Wealth beyond compare?
Is it temporary, the stuff of witches, magic potion that goes nowhere?
In my dark and earnest yearnings it is freedom that I seek
To be beyond the struggle of everything I see
To be the meek who inherit the details of all there is to me.
I once thought I was blinded by the distraction of noisy earth
All around me was commotion trying hard to spin its worth
But as I glanced a long look further, deeper, stepping back
I could see it had no hold on me, the golden child, not the beggar being attacked.
The road is paved with rainbows, coloured coins, prosperity
I saw them shell out shillings when they saw that I could see
In the time when I wanted, when I worried and I waned
There was nothing that was granted, nothing more than pure disdain.
But in my deepest hours when I failed to look outside
Burning brightly from within me a candle flamed from my great heart
It look like God, the ever roaring light that never wanes
That constant steady companion, that predictable gracious friend.
There I sat crosslegged on a wooden floor both hard and not
Here I found the wax not melting from the candle’s bright soft spot
Inside me was a serpent, she was not the evil one
The unraveling of my mystery, the freedom had begun.
I saw the scenes of past-times-gone fly before my eyes
The serpent moved her coiled form, a memory shone above
I remembered all my life, it unfolded from the sky
The serpent loosened her great grip and I could see inside.
The skin she shed was mine, the errors my mistakes
The people that I hurt, well, they were only fake
My friends who came to join me on this journey here
The roles they played to teach me of my courage and my fear.
But no matter in the end now, the struggle coming forth
I stepped upon my upper heart, that platform of my throne
There were no harsh words spoken as I watched the memories go
The beginning with no ending, all just happening now.
The fear I felt vanished, into the ether it dispersed
The anxiety of wondering, lost, as it loaded on a hearse
I am the peace come slowly like a shooting final cannon
All that’s left is beauty, no shame nor honour to defend.
It’s over now
The war is won
I have begun
The snake stretched
Within my breast
Unwound the fears of yesteryear.
It’s a melody
That sounds like a rainbow pouring down
So loud in the silence is its sound
The freedom from the struggle
My Creed which spoke to me.
I am the rain
I am the sun
I am the snake
I am the gold.