We may think the moon is standard. As if it comes each night, bright, into the evening sky, as expected, and resides, dimly, hanging on each day. Waiting for the night. Again. I know a Moon, the brightest star in the sky, that is otherwise. An unpredictable individual. Mesmerizing as if she were a piece of all and each of us, renewed, when we see her. Deep within ourselves.
I saw her. Again.
It was like a million years had past. Though, honestly, a million isn’t that much anymore, so it was like more and more and more than that. Yet, I use ‘a million’ because ‘a million’ was big, long ago. And she was so long ago, even though she was new. That type of renewal. Ever new. New that just keeps on being new and yet it is mixed and transfixed with old that never grows old because it is history and complexity and simplicity in the biggest sense.
I thought she might not recognize me. This time.
But she did. She looked at me. Right into my eyes. The depth of her blue, surrounded by pearl, went through me. A recognition beyond intellectualism. That; soul. Pure and simple. Soul, simple? In the simplest essence of being. And from there on, outward, inward, it is the dynamism of everything. Life force.
Her eyes met mine and there, beyond time, they stayed. It was not possible to make, to have, this connection, in the context of our material form and everyday existence. It requires consciousness. That, which speaks beyond words, communicates in poetry, that language that Aum, when closest to Home, speaks. She looked at me. Not the look that commonly is called looking. But what real looking is. Like hearing that becomes listening. Talking that becomes song.
It was long ago. Happening now.
There was a crowd of people, invisible folk, who witnessed us. Locked in long lost love embrace. Lovey dovey eyes I called it. Seeing her vision seep into mine, and then, the time of now and then and long ago and history that was before, and the dark ages, and the light ages that preceded them, and the times of ignorance and culture and mystery that preceded them, advanced societies, that came to be, before the old ways, that brought new ways, that fall into the cycles of evolution. There were all of them there. The people that were light beings, and sunbeams…and moonbeams.
She came from there. To here.
She didn’t want to be here. I knew it in her first cries. And thereafter, when I saw her sad and fearful. Full of intelligence, inhibited by her infant form. Temporary, I said. It’s only temporary. To comfort her. Did she hear me? Yes. She heard. Though it was a fleeting thought. It didn’t make it easier, just then. She had to be human. To be the baby that had to grow into her form. She was frustrated. I was frustrated. We were frustrated. It’s not a magical world when you’re in it. She came from somewhere better. But each of us has our cross to bear. To carry it to Golgotha and then release our selves, to freedom.
She was free before. She will be again.
She has a task to complete here. As we all do. A duty, upon ourselves. Some people think they are here for bling and to do their own thing. But there comes a time, after time and time and a million times, that you realize, pretty much everything. Bit by bit. That is how it gets done. The little things she’s come to do. That is how she will get it done. Bit by bit. Dark and lit.
I am your ally, I told her. She smiled before she could smile.
I saw her. Again. She looked at me. She didn’t blink. I didn’t blink. My eyes filled with water from the wave of her depth. She stared through me. Communion. Her, through the stillness. Memories, as a thousand thousand tears fallen between us…now born. Joy fell upon the earth, and though earthly joy is but earthly joy, it was long, our bond of ages in her eyes. Willful independence. Spirit. Old soul. Newly born, she was still fully dependent on every action of her carefree Mama, under the eye of her watchful Grand Ma, and ever present, Great Grand Ma, the matriarch. She would shine her way in the dark. Each night, bright, into the evening sky.
Luna, the Moon Child.