Love is NOT a CRYBABY!

March 19, 2019 No comments exist

Love, a force majeure. Everything seems to revolve around it. ‘Love makes the world go round.’ People apply it as the solution to their most difficult, seemingly unsolveable, problems. With the exception of scientists…even though Love is 100% scientific. And, of course, 100% spiritual.

Love, in Truth, is the force of attraction that God has instituted in Nature to draw us to Himself. Up, Up and Away! This, to awaken each of us to a remembering of our soul presence (‘true identity’) and the reunion of it, our Self, with Spirit. This force affects each one of us via a myriad and multitude of avenues (defending the position that God is outrageously creative!), custom-designed to appeal to our individual nature and spiritual perception. Love affects, interjects, and assists the discriminate and sincere soul-seeker. Woohoo! We want help! But, being Lovingly unconditional and non-judgemental, Love also conveys its magic on any and all who are making their ‘own’ merry way…making us STOP and THINK, particularly when we have been doing neither. Whatever fashion, Love is working its attraction. Being omnipresent, Love is pervasively and persuasively (albeit subtly) pulling us to The Light Side.

Love cannot manifest itself without the contrast of its opposite, The Dark Side! Can you feel that surge, that downward pull? Exciting?! OH NO!! You are a fan of Vader…The Empire! A force of repulsion draws us away from our God-given ‘angelic’ origin of birth, into this delusive world of Maya. Here, we play our familiar roles of life: Mother/Father, Daughter/Son, Seller/Buyer, I WANT SOME! Our feeling of desire is derived from our original ‘craving’ to return to our soul, our real home. But in the world of Maya, treasures and temptations, habitual conformity and forgetfulness, instill confusion. We lose our way, becoming ‘believers’ in the world. This attraction begets attachment! We transfer our desire for holiness into material ‘bliss’, thinking we can find happiness in the world. But whether acquiring possessions, accomplishments, or experiences on a bucklet list, we can’t get no satisfaction in this! It doesn’t exist. Contentment comes when the Love that is tweaking our desire gets much, much, higher. Disagree? Don’t believe me! Ask yourself, honestly…are you free?

Love, while being the force that attracts us back Home to the Godhead, is also within the force by which Creation creates, a.k.a. Aum, the Holy Ghost. This force is vibration (there’s a whole lotta shakin’ going on!), creating life from the unmanifested: thought forms manifest into their energetic make-up which manifests into physical form. Love is permeated within creation, being responsible for an interconnected world, one in which we are all united, to each other and to everything. Love, then, is a force of attraction sent from God, returning to God; the manifestation of a synchronized symphony of worlds and universes (which are projected outward from the Godhead) and the manifestation of the force of God drawing one back to God. What?? Well…if you have known Love in your life, would you agree that Love can be baffling, mesmerizing, pulling you this way, and that way, at the same time?!

‘Love hurts’. This is the stuff of fools. I know this from personal experience. A great deal of experience, dealing with many players while I have played The Fool.

Love in my life is rocky! It represents as a spray of gravel that swooshes up dust as I blaze through, pedal to the medal. My path, being encompassed and permeated with humongous cliffs, disappearing and appearing everywhere and anywhere, I confess to counting on Love to help me along! Navigation with magnetism. ‘Love will conquer all.’

Love, though, has not rescued me. To my chagrin. Rather, it has left me ragged, torn, stripped of my dignity; broken nails hanging on for dear life onto the edge of a cliff. A cliff invisible to me. O Foresight, let me see! The cliffs in my life remain unseen until I recognize them…through the act of falling. They choose their location: past, present, future, with ‘randomness’, when the opportunity arises, a.k.a karma. In the absence of rescue, I have had to resort to my wits, some braun, brains, PRAYER, and, yes, I will say it, ever so quietly…crying. This interaction with crying is one I am in conflict with. While it has in no way stopped my fight, my might, to land on ‘the good road’ from ‘the rocky road’, nor ever swayed my conviction to The Light Side, it has caused me to vocalize my concerns. To argue with God. Silently. Silently because I was speaking and He was not. But I would not, could not, STOP. God, after much lonely dispute on my part, decided He would speak to me. He, being the strong, silent type, I listened with all my might.

‘Love is NOT a CRYBABY!’, He declared. I have emphasized it, here, with Capital, with EXCLAMATION!, because of its profound effect. But, truly, God did not emphasize His speech. He spoke each word with COMPLETE balance. Nor did he ‘speak’ them. Rather, the words were absorbed into my being and I came to know them. The act of realization. It melds into my being, applying Itself to every aspect of my misbehaved atoms, till it changes my Self. Till, I, too, can simply say, ‘Love is not a crybaby.’

Love began to attract me. Back to where I belong. It urged me to sit in meditation. I sat, times and times again, with ache. My body ached, and though I didn’t care, it didn’t stop…just to prove me a liar. I cried, and though I didn’t mind, it didn’t mind either. It muscled-up and knotted till I anted-up…and forgot it.

Love left me alone with my mind because it said it was time. I meditated while my mind cried for non-discipline. ‘Let me in!’, its misbehaved thoughts wailed. ‘You have yet to mail your mother’s birthday card. By the way, there’s bills to pay. When will you come to play? Don’t let me rest. I am at my best when I get my way. Not today? I can come anyway. If you don’t, I may cry. Come and play before you die!’

Love gone, I spat with the Devil, ‘Get Back! Get behind me, Vader! I am here to listen to the Song of God!’ Then my mind piped up,’Oh, goodness!!! You’ve forgotten so long to write in your blog!’

Love’s inner battle rages within me. It sustains a ceaseless building vengeance! Some have yet to notice, to recognize its presence. Appearing. Disappearing. Its illusive suffering act. Others think they find it; misrepresent it. Romance, wealth, ambition, a life of fruition; a magic potion to achieve success. Caught in the race, will they win or lose? Doing everything in their wordly power to beat the train, will they become that lonely member just the same, the attendant of the caboose? No matter which, the world will win. It’s the Casino’s table and the House rules. Cry, oh, cry! you may, when you die. Not knowing the deck was stacked. Again, karma.

Love’s shouts to me, ‘Muster! FIGHT! With all your might!’ To conquer body by a mind of steel. To conquer mind by soul ethereal. It matters not that death then comes. It is a blessed place of rest. You’ve won!

Love rises, from the world below to the temple of my soul. Attracting me back. Home. Where science meets Spirit; the shining star of my inner eye. The Lotus blooms, that hidden rose of Love. Tears of joy! But no need to cry. Love is not a crybaby.

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