~ Musings ~
When I sit in this space it is a waste of my time unless I am pondering (more…)

We may think the moon is standard. As if it comes each night, bright, into the evening sky, as expected, and resides, dimly, hanging on each day. Waiting for the night. Again. I know a Moon, the brightest star in the sky, that is otherwise. An unpredictable individual. Mesmerizing as if she were a piece of all and each of us, renewed, when we see her. Deep within ourselves.

There is water flowing within me It is the water of Life. Life said, 'If it is only water you seek then you shall drink. 'But after a while you will still be thirsty.' (more…)

I saw a bird fly it was i it landed on a tree that was me i took flight with strength and might that came from above i am that dove (more…)
Someday soon I will leave this place
I will not say goodbye to the butterflies, the addicts and those who exist
I won’t tell them I don’t want to go
I will just blow away in the wind. My friend, that Wind (more…)
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